A deliberation focus group is conducted with Res Ipsa professionals presenting the case material to participants and attorneys observing the group’s reactions. This method can be a tremendous time saver for busy attorneys. Res Ipsa first reviews discovery details and works with our attorney clients to write two case summaries, one each for plaintiff and defendant. Our team next presents the case information to the focus group, whereupon the group completes an individual jury charge and finally deliberates as a jury group to reach a verdict. In-depth statistical analyses of focus group results uncover concealed correlations between the data and verdict, enormously valuable information for attorneys during the actual trial.

A presentation focus group is conducted with attorneys presenting the case summaries to participants, one attorney responsible for the plaintiff opening and another for the defendant opening. Next, Res Ipsa professionals present one or two key pieces of evidence for both plaintiff and defendant sides. We then apply thorough statistical analysis to the focus group results as well as data collected regarding the group’s specific reactions to the attorney presentations. This additional data and analysis give attorneys clear insight into how jurors may react to their case at trial.


  • “Res Ipsa has more experience in trial than most lawyers I know—which has proven to be an invaluable asset during trial. They are the absolute best at what they do.”
    - Jeff Befort, Befort Law Firm, PC