Res Ipsa likes to win. And so do our clients. It’s what makes us a great team.

When we enter a courtroom with an attorney, we make sure the attorney’s sole focus is on winning, not on the technology that’s there to support the case.

trial_technologyIt’s true, our roots are in the technology world. We know it inside and out. Originally trained as technicians and engineers, Res Ipsa professionals are experts in helping our clients use the latest technology to their advantage in trials, hearings, mediations, depositions and arbitrations. We handle the hot seat in trial like no other and excel under pressure. Our team knows that inaccuracies, malfunctions and sluggish equipment just don’t cut it in today’s courtroom.

But beyond executing the technical details flawlessly, Res Ipsa understands from experience that the most important goal at trial is making the most persuasive argument possible. That’s the bottom line. Jury members demand simplicity, and like most of us, they regularly consume information from the media and the Internet in the form of an entertaining or visual story. That’s crucial information for trial attorneys. Legal teams often get bogged down in confusing details and facts of a case, clouding the telling of a simple, gripping story that will resonate with the jury. That’s where Res Ipsa comes in. With our expertise in technology and presentation styles and more than 10,000 hours of in-trial experience, we provide litigators with fresh eyes and ears, helping them rethink their approach to a case, achieve clarity of narrative and deliver the most visually persuasive story possible.

Res Ipsa is passionate about what we do – using the latest audio and visual technology combined with strategic thinking to help attorneys bring their stories to life. Powerfully.

Res Ipsa’s trial technology and consulting services for attorneys include:

  • Case strategy consulting
  • Trial counsel and witness prep for courtroom presentation
  • Deposition video clip preparation
  • High-quality exhibit development
  • Documentary and demonstrative exhibit database creation and management
  • Courtroom presentation development
  • Trial presentation management
  • Impromptu demonstratives creation


  • “Res Ipsa has been a powerful advantage for us in trial. In one year our firm achieved over $97,000,000 in verdicts from juries in 5 cases. Res Ipsa was a critical part of our trial team in each and every case.”
    - Craig Sico, Sico, White, Hoelscher, Harris & Braugh